Rules of the game Pitjau
How to play the game Pitjau
The serve
- Always serve with a fully inflated ball.
- Serving height is under the orange ring.
- Serve distance, from ball and body, is 1 meter from the ring.
- A serve is one hit only.
- As in tennis, you have 2 serves.
- If a serve goes through, but touches the ring, the serve does not count. Serve again.
Maximum 3 touches
- After the serve, you have maximum 3 touches to get the ball back through the ring.
- You can use all body parts to play.
- If your opponent eg. hits the ball so that it lands on your chest, you have already used your first touch.
- You can often save a difficult ball, kicking it with your foot.
Bounce of the ring
- If the ball hits the orange ring and bounces back, you have 3 new touches to get the ball through the ring again.
- This action can not be repeated until the ball has passed through the ring.
smash distance
- For close shots, if you hit the ball closer than 1 meter from the ring, you must only shoot straight or upwards.
- From a distance further away than 1 meter, shooting downwards is allowed.
Touching the ring
- If a player touches any part of the ring or the stand, the point is lost.
- No blocking is allowed.
- Not by the serve or in regular gameplay.
Play Pitjau in different ways
1 on 1
Always serve with a fully inflated ball.
Remember correct serving height and distance.
A match is played best of 3 sets to 9 points.
A set must be won by a minimum 2 points.
If a ball hits the wall or other items, just keep playing.
If the ball is not moving or hits the floor, it is lost.
Position 1 player on each side of the ring. The rest of the players behind either one of them.
Serve, and continue after play round the ring counterclockwise. Still max 3 touches.
When you begin a new round, always play the ‘friendly round’. That means, that until server has hit the ball the 2nd time, nobody ‘dies’ even when making a mistake. Once server touches the ball the 2nd time, the game is on. If you fail, you exit the game.
Once down to 2 players, play 1 on 1, best of 3 balls. When winner is found, everybody joins in again.
2 on 2
Players have 3 touches, and both players must touch the ball, before it goes back through the ring.
A player may touch the ball 2 times in a row, as long as her team player touches the ball either before or after.
Winning team serves again, but always change the server.
Play best of 3 sets to 9 points.
how to inflate the pitjau ball
Place the hole approx. 2-3 cm away from the mouth, and blow air to inflate the ball.
Pump Air into the Ball
You can also inflate the ball by hitting the ball with a rounded open palm.
Try practicing the up-up-hit technique using both left and right hand to gain control while playing without the ring.
If you carefully fold the ball, you will experience longer durability and better performance from the Pitjau® ball.
We recommend to set the ring as high as possible. It gives players more time to react and makes a better gameflow.
If you play with players very young or very small, you can adjust the height of the game by removing one of the black tubes.